In Ground Trampolines Installation
Trampoline jumping can be prone to injuries, that is why a lot of people purchase a safety enclosure net for their trampolines. More recently it has been very popular to do inground trampolines. We are proud to offer 2 different kinds of inground kits that will be a great addition to your trampoline. Now you may be asking if a trampoline is going into the ground who is going to do the trampoline hole digging and install that inground trampoline? We work with a number of landscape contractors all over the US to bring this service to you. If you need trampoline hole digging we can help locate someone in your area that has experience digging trampoline holes and installing inground trampoline kits.
Remember that the hole for the trampoline will displace a large amount of dirt and you may need to haul the dirt off or have your landscaper do it for you. It is also important to have a level area where your trampoline will go to maximize the safety and enjoyment of your inground trampoline.
If you would like to watch how trampolines are installed in the ground you can watch a video
How To Install The Trampoline In-Ground Kit